5 Design Tips for Flash Ads

In order to have a successful banner ad campaign that incorporates custom flash banners, you need to follow some basic design tips.

1) Keep the file size small. We discussed this a bit last week, but websites don’t like large files and will charge you more for a flash ad banner with a larger file. To reduce the file size, try to use a limited number of colors, gradients, and dashed or dotted lines.

2) Increase readability by using the best font. Font has to do with size and type. For the size, you need to make sure that it is big enough for people to read your banner on the screen. A font that is 18 point or larger will work well. For the type of font you use in your ad, be sure to use a font that is web-safe and translates to all programs. Good examples of this are Arial or Verdana. It will also help your readability if you make your font bold.

3) Always include a close button. Readers want to feel in control. Therefore, give them some control. If your custom flash banner opens or expands when you mouse over it, or if your flash banner ad moves down the page, be sure to include a close button so your potential viewers can control when they see your banner ad.

4) Limit animation and video time. Your flash banner is an advertisement, which means that while you want to grab people’s attention, you don’t want to drive them completely away from the page they were looking for. You should try to keep your banner ad animation and videos short and to the point. In general, your custom flash banner animation should be around 15 seconds long and your videos should be no longer than 30 seconds.

5) Includes a pause button. Your purpose here is to grab the attention of potential customers, not annoy them. The sound will draw their attention to your custom flash banner, but it can also annoy them if they can’t turn it off. Just like with a close button, always give your viewers control and add a pause button when you include sound in your flash banner ads.

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